Джим и Джулия в разводе, но всё равно живут в одном доме и воспитывают двоих детей вместе, оставаясь с ними по очереди. Все усложняется, когда Джулия начинает встречаться с владельцем любимой спортивной команды Джима.
Сезон 1 NewStudio 01 Pilot 1 cезон02 The Consequences of Making Yourself at Home 1 cезон03 The Consequences of Gaming 1 cезон04 The Consequences of Sushi 1 cезон05 The Consequences of Matchmaking 1 cезон06 The Consequences of Status 1 cезон07 The Consequences of Sleepovers 1 cезон08 The Consequences of Loaning Your Dad Money 1 cезон09 The Consequences of Helping People 1 cезон10 The Consequences of Familial Obligations 1 cезон11 The Consequences of Writing Things Down 1 cезон12 The Consequences of Being Irish 1 cезон13 The Consequences of Considering the Consequences 1 cезон
13 The Consequences of Considering the Consequences 1 cезон01 Pilot 1 cезон02 The Consequences of Making Yourself at Home 1 cезон03 The Consequences of Gaming 1 cезон04 The Consequences of Sushi 1 cезон05 The Consequences of Matchmaking 1 cезон06 The Consequences of Status 1 cезон07 The Consequences of Sleepovers 1 cезон08 The Consequences of Loaning Your Dad Money 1 cезон09 The Consequences of Helping People 1 cезон10 The Consequences of Familial Obligations 1 cезон11 The Consequences of Writing Things Down 1 cезон12 The Consequences of Being Irish 1 cезон13 The Consequences of Considering the Consequences 1 cезонСезон 1 NewStudio Сезон 1 NewStudio NewStudioKerobTVKerobTVNewStudio